
Find out how fast cars are really traveling in your community and remind motorists of the posted speed limit! Municipalities may request FREE speed studies of local roads. More commonly known as the “Your Speed Is” sign, the Speed Sentry sign collects data on traffic volumes and motorist speed. This data is evaluated and the municipality is provided with a written report documenting data with charts and graphs.

How It Works

During the one month speed study, the sign is first programmed to “stealth mode” (no display) to collect baseline data from passing vehicles. After one to two weeks, the sign is changed to “display” mode. In this mode, the sign continues to collect data but also displays the speed of oncoming vehicles and flashes a strobe when a motorist violates the speed limit. Speed is recorded in 5 mph bins and volume is recorded in 30 minute intervals.

Sample Data

Speed Studies

For more information about Speed Studies contact
Ryan Fisher
(908) 788-5553